Aloe vera is part of the Asphodelaceae family and its native range is N. Oman (Hajar Mountains) where it grows primarily in the desert or dry shrubland as a succulent perennial. Its grey-green leaves are arranged in a rosette, they have sharp, pinkish spines along their edges. Aloe vera has a stoloniferous growth habit and produces pups at the base of mature plants. Although grown as an ornamental, it has a range of cosmetic and medicinal purposes.
Genus name derives from the Arabic word Alloeh meaning ‘shining bitter substance’. The specific epithet in Latin means ‘true’.
Light: Bright, direct light, a few hours of direct light in the late afternoon is ideal.
Water: Aloe are extremely drought tolerant due to their ability to store water in their succulent leaves, water thoroughly when the potting is completely dry.
Potting mix: A mix of predominantly non-organic material like clay, pumice or lava grit with a small amount of coco coir.
Fertilising: Feed once a month with half strength balanced fertiliser or a cactus & succulent fertiliser.
Temperature: 12-26˚C.
Humidity: Aloe vera requires low humidity.
Aloe vera is toxic, keep out of reach of pets and children.