Clivia miniata are part of the Amaryllidaceae family and their native range is S. Africa. Clivia are geophytes meaning they have an underground storage organ, in this case a rhizomatous root stock as with thick, branching roots. The inflorescence or umbel forms on a leafless branch (a scape or peduncle) from in between one of the leaf axils. Flowers are in dense clusters, they are orange and trumpet-shaped. Foliage is dark green and strap-shape, forming directly opposite one another in an alternating sequence.
Clivia are well known for being easy to care for and for even growing well in bright shade - although they won’t flower under these conditions.
Genus name honours Lady Charlotte Florentia Clive, the Duchess of Northumberland. The specific epithet comes from the Latin miniatus meaning 'lead-coloured', this is in reference to the colour of the blooms.
Light: Bright indirect light, meaning the plant sees the sun for 0-4 hours per day - this could be through trees or a translucent curtain, it’s important for the plant to see the sky in order to thrive. An east-facing windowsill would be ideal.
Water: Allow at least 50% of the potting mix to dry out before watering.
Potting mix: Clivia like to be tight in their pot, you may only need to repot every 3-5 years. Ensure potting mix is chunky and well-draining, if you use our potting mix, I’d suggest adding a couple of extra scoops of bark.
Fertiliser: Some sources suggest a balanced fertiliser, diluting it to half strength and feeding every other watering. The Pacific Bulb Society suggests using either a Phosphate free or a low phosphate fertiliser, feeding just 2 or 3 times during the growing season.
Temperature: 16-25˚C during the growing season.
Humidity: Average home humidity is fine, if humidity is higher than 60% ensure that there is good airflow.
Blooming information: In winter or between October-January, withhold water, keeping the plant between 5 and 10˚C. The buds form between the leaf axils, once the flower stalk appears, increase watering and return the plant to room temperature. The growth culminates in a round head of orange, trumpet-shaped flowers. When the flowers die, snip them off if you don’t want your plant to set seed. The foliage is evergreen.
Clivia are toxic, keep out of reach of pets and children.