This Dischidia is one per person. Duplicate orders will be cancelled and refunded without notice. We would love to give other collectors a chance to buy one.
Dischidia nummularia native range is S. China to Tropical Asia and N. Queensland and it is part of the Apocynaceae family. This epiphyte will grow well in a hanging planter but if you gave it sphagnum or cork bark to climb on, it would use the adventitious roots it produces at the node to attach itself on the substrate. In their native environment Dischidia would form dense masses as they climb and creep along tree surfaces and they thrive in higher humidity.
In their natural habitat Dischidia have a mutualistic association with a colony of ants, they are known as Myrmecophytes. Leaves are ovate to round and are fleshy with creamy white variegation.
Genus name comes from the Greek ‘dis’ meaning twice and the Latin ‘schidius’ meaning cleft or split. The specific epithet nummularia comes from the Latin nummus meaning coin.
This plant is potting in a coco chip substrate.
Pot: ø 7cm.
Foliage: Approximately 15cm in length.
Light: Dischidia grow in filtered sunlight in their native environment, in the home I would recommend an east facing window for some morning sun. It is important for the plant to see the sky in order to thrive.
Water: If your Dischidia is in a well draining mix or mounted, you will need to water more frequently than if it is in a dense potting mix. They can dry out a little as they are very drought tolerant.
Potting mix: A chunky well draining mix composed of coco coir, perlite or vermiculite, orchid bark and worm castings; you could also add some horticultural charcoal to this epiphytic mix. You can also grow this plant in coco coir chips or mounted with sphagnum moss. Dischidia require excellent drainage and are used to good air circulation around their roots.
Fertilising: They’re not heavy feeders but you can your plant every few waterings during the growing season or when you observe active growth. You can dilute fertiliser to half the recommended amount but never add more.
Temperature: 18-22°C.
Humidity: Dischidia would prefer higher humidity, between 60-80% but do well to adjust to average home humidity. You can increase humidity by placing the plant on a watered pebble tray or using a humidifier.
Dischidia aren’t considered toxic, however, they may make your pet or child vomit if ingested, keep out of reach just to be safe.