Euphorbia triangularis is part of the Euphorbiaceae family and its native range is S. Mozambique to S. Cape Province where it grows as a succulent tree, primarily in the desert or dry shrubland biome. E. triangularis has a single, rounded, slightly angled stem, producing wing shaped branchlets that are either 3 or 5 angled. Spines are paired, up to 8 mm long and cyathium are yellow-green, appearing June-August in their native habitat; they are visited by pollinators like butterflies, bees and other insects.
Genus name comes from the Latin euphorbea, named after Euphorbus, Greek physician to the reputed discoverer of the plant (King Juba II of Numidia). The specific epithet means ‘three-angled’ this is in reference to its branches.
Light: Allow the plant to see the sun for as many hours of the day as possible; Euphorbia require direct light to grow well.
Water: Allow the potting mix to dry out completely in between waterings; Euphorbia store the water they need for photosynthesis inside their stems. Before watering, aerate the potting mix with a few pokes of a skewer or blunt stick, pour water slowly over the top of the substrate and allow the water to pass through the drainage holes.
Potting mix: A mix of predominantly non-organic material like clay, pumice or lava grit with a small amount of coco coir. Euphorbia only need repotting every 2-3 years.
Fertilising: Feed every few waterings during the growing season. You can dilute fertiliser to half the recommended amount but never add more.
Temperature: 18-26˚C. They can tolerate short periods of between 8 and 12˚C.
Humidity: Average humidity; if the humidity is particularly high, good ventilation is key to prevent mildew and fungal disease.
Euphorbia are toxic and contain a milky sap which can cause severe skin irritation & eye pain, keep out of reach of pets and children.