Researching and finding accurate information about the origin of this plant proved tricky; it has been recorded as Macodisia ‘Spiderman’ and X Ludochilus dominyi. They are commonly referred to as 'Jewel Orchids' due to their spectacular foliage.
It is likely a hybrid of Anoectochilus roxburghii and Ludisia discolor, both of which are part of the Orchidaceae family. Velutinous leaves are narrowly ovate to elliptic with an entire leaf margin, they are a rich brown colour with bronze venation. These jewel orchids are terrestrial growers with thick subterranean rhizomatous stems.
These plants are in sphagnum moss.
Pot: ø 6cm.
Height: Approximately 7cm from base of pot.
Light: Indirect light or shade, between 400-800 foot-candles.
Water: This plant prefers evenly moist potting mix, when kept in high humidity it won’t need watering as much. If your plant is in sphagnum moss, keep it damp but not sodden or completely dry.
Potting mix: A mix of coco coir, pine bark and horticultural charcoal (50:40:10). Ludisia have a rhizomatic growth habit so it is best to pot them in shallow pots. At home I have a Ludisia planted in our potting mix with some added horticultural charcoal.
Fertilising: Feed monthly during the growing season or when you observe active growth. You can use half the recommended dilution rate but never add more.
Temperature: 16-28˚C. Optimum temperature 22˚C.
Humidity: Ludisia prefer higher humidity, ideally 70% with good air circulation. To increase humidity, grow under a cloche but lift at least once a day to allow air to circulate. This plant would do well in a terrarium too.
Blooming information: Flower spike emerges from the centre of the stems, this is typically in winter time. The delicate white resupinate flowers usually last a couple of weeks. You can cut them back when they are spent.
Ludisia are non-toxic.