Philodendron 69686 is part of the Araceae family, it is thought to be a natural hybrid from Brazil and is now in cultivation. This plant came to the attention of Bette Waterbury via the plant collection of Roberto Burle-Marx and she shared this with Dr. Thomas Croat of the Missouri Botanical Garden. Croat then gave the specimen an accession number - 69686. There is no collection of the plant so it isn’t verified as a species and like many other members of the Araceae family, there is great variability in leaf shape, especially at different stages of growth and maturity. Leaves tend to be tri-lobed, becoming more elongated as the plant matures.
Genus name comes from the Greek ‘philo’ meaning loving and ‘dendro’ meaning tree.
This plant would greatly appreciate a moss pole.
Pot: ø 15cm.
Height: Approximately 25cm from base of pot.
trees or a translucent curtain, it’s important for the plant to see the sky in order to thrive.
Water: Allow the first 2-3 inches of mix to dry out, pour water slowly over the top and allow the water to pass through the drainage holes.
Potting mix: A well draining mix composed of coco coir, perlite or vermiculite, orchid bark and worm castings.
Fertilising: Feed your plant every other watering during the growing season or when you observe active growth. You can dilute fertiliser to half the recommended amount but never add more.
Temperature: 20-25˚C.
Humidity: Philodendron 69686 prefers higher humidity, you can increase humidity by placing the plant on a watered pebble tray or using a humidifier.
Philodendron are toxic, keep out of reach of pets and children.