Thaumatophyllum were previously known as Philodendron.
Thaumatophyllum bipinnatifidum is part of the Araceae family native range is E. Bolivia to SE. & S. Brazil and NE. Argentina. They are hemi-epiphytes with adventitious roots, leaves are large, glossy and deeply lobed. As the plant matures, lower leaves will fall away and leave a scar which leads to a pattern on the trunk.
Shangri-La is a cultivar developed as part of a breeding program conducted in Queensland, Australia. It was selected based on the seedlings having a compact habit.
Genus name comes from the Greek ‘thaumato’ meaning wonder or miracle and phyllum meaning leaf. Specific epithet comes from the combination of the words ‘bi’, meaning twice, ‘pinnae’ meaning feather-like and ‘findus’ meaning to split; this is in reference to the bilateral symmetric division of the leaves.
Pot: ø 14cm.
Height: Approximately 30cm from base of pot.
Light: Bright indirect light, meaning the plant sees the sun for 0-4 hours per day - this could be through trees or a translucent curtain, it’s important for the plant to see the sky in order to thrive.
Water: Allow the first 2-3 inches of mix to dry out. Before watering, ensure the substrate isn’t compacted, if it is, aerate it with a few pokes of a skewer or blunt stick, pour water slowly over the top and allow the water to pass through the drainage holes.
Potting mix: A well draining mix composed of coco coir, perlite or vermiculite, orchid bark and worm castings.
Fertilising: Feed your plant every other watering during the growing season or when you observe active growth. You can dilute fertiliser to half the recommended amount but never add more.
Temperature: Ideally 18-28°C.
Humidity: Thaumtophyllum would prefer higher humidity. You can increase humidity by placing the plant on a watered pebble tray or using a humidifier.
Thaumatophyllum is toxic, keep out of reach of pets and children.