Tradescantia mundula is part of the Commelinaceae family and its native range is SE. & S. Brazil to NE. Argentina where it grows as a subshrub or lithophyte in the wet tropical biome. It is considered a fast grower, its pointed oval leaves are grey-olive green and covered with tiny bristly hairs.
Genus name honours John Tradescant, English botanist. Specific epithet could be from the Latin word for ‘world’ or ‘neat’.
Light: Bright indirect light, meaning the plant sees the sun for 0-4 hours per day - this could be through trees or a translucent curtain, it’s important for the plant to see the sky in order to thrive.
Water: Allow the first 2-3 inches of mix to dry out. Before watering, ensure the substrate isn’t compacted, if it is, aerate it with a few pokes of a skewe r or blunt stick. I’d recommend watering from below; sit the plant in a basin or saucer of water for 30 minutes, remove and allow to drain. This plant has a very dense crown and stems that are prone to rot.
Potting mix: A well draining mix composed of coco coir, perlite or vermiculite, orchid bark and worm castings.
Fertilising: Feed your plant every other watering during the growing season or when you observe active growth. You can dilute fertiliser to half the recommended amount but never add more.
Temperature: Ideally 18-23°C.
Humidity: Tradescantia would prefer higher humidity but do well to adapt to average home humidity. You can increase humidity by placing the plant on a watered pebble tray or using a humidifier.
Tradescantia are toxic, keep out of reach of pets and children.